Virtual Reality Fashion | VR in Vera Wang — A Fashion VR Blog by Melina Morry

5 Reasons Why Fashion Brands are Making the Move Into Virtual Reality

Fashion brands are always ahead of the trends. Right? Well, that may be true in the case of next season’s must-have boots—but what about technology? Specifically, virtual reality fashion. We’ve seen Topshop, Dior and Tommy Hilfiger jump on the VR bandwagon so far. And there are plans to see more from Rebecca Minkoff, too.

However, why exactly is it that brands should be adopting virtual reality fashion practices into their business plans?

5 Reasons Why Brands are Adopting Virtual Reality Fashion Practices

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1. It can make shopping a whole lot easier

Imagine going to a store to pick out a new look—and you don’t even have to get undressed to try it on! Revolutionary. Through virtual fittings, customers are able to try on garments simply with the swipe of a hand. Also, once your measurements are in the system, retailers can keep those on file for next time you shop! Talk about convenience.

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2. Virtual reality can lead to a better store experience

As Tommy Hilfiger’s CEO, Daniel Gredier, stated, “These days, you can’t just wait for people to come into the store and try on your jackets. You have to provide entertainment.” And what’s more entertaining than a virtual reality fashion experience? With a VR headset, you can step into an entirely different world. Feel like visiting the store’s Paris location? Just load it up.

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3. Wearable tech is a massively growing industry

It’s hard to imagine any other fashion sector growing more rapidly than the wearable tech industry. Obviously, where there’s growth, there’s money to be made. For example, Tory Burch’s take on Fitbit dramatically elevated the look of the smart watch and Opening Ceremony’s smart bracelet completely sold out at Barney’s. Who will be next?

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4. You can deliver much more in-depth runway shows

No one knows this better than Dior, Topshop and Balenciaga. Recently, I also saw a runway preview of Canadian designer Sid Neigum’s collection through a 360° video at Re\set Fashion Week. Through virtual reality fashion shows, consumers are able to get an in-depth view of the runway show—while sitting next to Kate Moss and Anna Wintour!

5. Of course, they want to stay current

Where are the trends headed right now? Virtually. So, it’s only natural that big brands want to keep up. Virtual reality fashion is something that we’re going to be seeing much more of in the coming years. After all, the future of fashion VR is only getting stronger.

Fashion Tech Blog VR in Vera Wang by Melina Morry

6 years ago


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